Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Best Outfit on You!

Have you ever been invited to a party or a big event and had no clue what to wear? But then you look through your entire closet and remember that their is that dress that looks amazing on you? Well, if you're planning on doing a rerun this is what you want to watch out for.

1. Do not where the same outfit if you know people who have already seen you in it are going to be there.
2. Do not take any pictures if you can. Because if you're seen in a photo in that same dress, people will know you rerun or you'll be seen in the same dress in different photos.
3. Try to change up the accessories. Add a belt, or a scarf or different earrings. Change it up each time.

These are the 3 rules to watch out for a Rerun Outfit.

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